
Sorry I haven’t written much lately. I have had some back issues and am learning to deal with chronic back problems. Will restart again soon. I will be working on some new stories too.

Take care and keep an eye open for something new here. Thanks for following my blog!!

13 thoughts on “Intermission

    1. Thank you. Back problems are a pain in my butt! LOL. Seeing an acupuncturist whom, I believe is helping. I will be trying to work on some new stories. One about a miracle I helped make happen.

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  1. Over Soul, you got that right. My L5 and S1 discs are thin and compressing the nerves that go to my butt and my legs, the left leg especially. I have degenerative disc disease. The acupuncturist tells me the pain will get better and it really has since he started treating me. I have hope and will work on some new blog posts while I rest. My energy level and attention span are not as good right now so it takes longe to do everythung. Thank you for your comments.


  2. Ouch – feel better soon! I have multifaceted spinal stenosis between L4 & L5 (with some at L4 & L3), a crumbling L3 from a hard fall a few years ago and late onset scoliosis. And weirdly enough, the only thing that relieves the pain in the butt and legs (the right has general pain down the front of my calf and the left with sciatic pain all the way down teh back) is running (run/walk). It seems counter intuitive, but it works (90% of the time.). I had a bad flare up a couple of years ago on the right buttock and went to a spinal PT who did dry needling (mixed in with a bit of acupuncture) and it was great! Hoping you are back to full speed soon!

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    1. Wow, you sound about the same as me. I lost an inch of height in a year;restarted the pain I had 10 years ago that got me on restrictions that caused me to start an early retirement. I too have scoliosis, very thin discs between L345 and S1. I have pain in my buttocks when I sit too long,frequent pain in my sacrum; aching,spasm if I move my legs or back too fast getting in and out of bed or for some unknown cause. I use a TENS unit. If you haven’t explored that possibility already, it helps between medicines. I can’t believe the Gabapentin, tramadol, arthritis Tylenol and Naproxen, and Baclofen I am on. I still have pain but it’s more controlled. I usually can get out for a couple of hours to get groceries etc. I am going to an acupuncturist who is giving me hope and some progress. I got nothing but time. Best wishes for a speedy recovery. ( I did the PT a and cortisone injections too.)


    1. Thank you, Niki! I really appreciate all healing thoughts and good vibes! With time, an acupuncturist, determination and help from Spirit, I am making progress. It is slow but at least I can see improvement.

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