I Loved Horses

Roy Rogers’ Beautiful Palomino, Trigger.

As a child, I grew up watching Westerns with my parents and siblings. My favorite animal was/is the horse. Each cowboy hero had his/her favorite horse. I just loved horses, even though I only rode them when they were chained to go around in circles when I was young. But the thrill of the sound of their hooves plodding along and the rocking back and forth as they walked slowly just elevated me to being a cowgirl, at least in my mind

I loved the animals for their beauty, their roles in the shows I watched on Saturday mornings: “Fury,” “Roy Rogers and Dale Evans,” “The Lone Ranger,” and “Gene Autry.” Trigger, the beautiful palomino of Roy Rogers was so beautiful and well trained.

When I was five years and a little older, I had a spring, rocky horse and was content to rock back and forth and up and down. The horse body was on springs going out to the supports at each corner of the stand. I was so enamored of this “beautiful creature” and “being a cowgirl” and riding my horse that I could rock back and forth for long periods of time. Below is photo of me in my cowgirl outfit with my “horse” behind me. Well, he was for my sister and brother too, but I claimed him and loved to “ride” him.

Me and Trigger
Me and my Trigger.

I was so enamored of these beautiful creatures that I actually got excited just being near them. I loved their beauty and how amazing they looked when they were running or nuzzling their owners.

Several years ago I went to the Fairgrounds one year when the Budweiser Clydesdales were there. Each was in his stall and standing majestically while their manes and tails were brushed and braided; and their coats brushed to shine. The caregivers had to stand on ladders to reach their manes and brush them, they were so tall. What magnificent creatures they were. My best friend was with me and took a picture of me in front of two of the harnessed Clydesdales. I was so excited in my “Happy Camper” tee-shirt that I had this huge smile on my face just being there in front of them.

Happy Camper in front of two Budweiser Clydesdales.
I stood excitedly in front of these two Budweiser Clydesdales. One horse photo bombed me. Looks like he is laughing at me!

Even though I still think they are such beautiful creatures, I could never afford the care and feeding of a horse. I can always enjoy them from afar.

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