Little Things

Today I felt led to write this post about little things. Since I had back problems several years ago, I know there are some things I cannot do without having pain again, sooner or later. A little back ache after being on my feet for hours without rest tells me that I need to sit … More Little Things

What Dependence?

After my husband’s death over ten years ago, I was very proud of the sense of confidence I gained from how I could take care of most problems and decisions by myself. If something broke or needed fixing, I looked it up on the internet and when able to do so, fixed it. When something … More What Dependence?

Never Enough?

Have you ever felt like you never had enough of something? I frequently felt like I never measured up to the other kids in school when I was young. I didn’t have long enough hair, thick enough hair, good enough grades, enough time to do what had to be done. Where did all of these … More Never Enough?