Five Daily Sources of Happiness for Me

What Brightens Your Days

First awakening me, is my black cat, Norie, who jumps up on my bed and stares at me in the fading darkness until I wake up to feed her. If I don’t wake up right away, she snuggles up by my head, and we doze for a while.

Second is expectantly looking out the window in time to see the sun rising over the trees.

Third delight is listening to a multitude of various birds in the trees down the hill, as they awaken and let everyone know that they are safe after another potentially dangerous night.

Fourth is to open the porch door in the evening to hear all the voices of the night chorales; all sung at the same time from various birds snuggling down in their nests; high pitched tree frogs singing their songs; cicadas and crickets playing their own various melodies; low calls from the creek frogs down the hill; as the male lightening bugs flash their “lanterns” to give the mating signal to the females.

Fifth joy is climbing into my warm, comfortable bed, with my alarm set for the morning, feeling Norie jump up on the bed to sleep behind my bent knees, as I lie on my side, dozing off as I close my eyes.

I am thankful for each daily gift of the little and big sources of joy that enters my senses throughout each day; waking me; comforting me; teaching me to listen; and then when all has been tucked in for the night and Norie and I are snuggled together as we drift to sleep, I say a prayer of thanksgiving for the joys my life enjoys and for each day.

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