An Unexplained White Bird?

White bird with black wing tips
Black Tipped Wings

I compared this photo to other photos of seagulls. The wing tips are the same but the feet show in all the pictures I saw. But none of their feet were showing. Maybe it’s from the sun coming from behind? I don’t know what there was about this bird but it had a luminous white tail from the sun shining behind it. If you look closely. you can see the shape of the head, and some of the individual wing and tail feathers. I was in awe of its beauty as it flew on over me.

10 thoughts on “An Unexplained White Bird?

  1. Hey there! Came across your post on the WordPress feed and couldn’t resist saying hello. I’m already hooked and eagerly anticipating more captivating posts. Can’t seem to find the follow button, haha! Guess I’ll have to bookmark your blog instead. But rest assured, I’ll be keeping an eye out for your updates!

    may i leave a link to my blog here? feel free to post a comment on my site and leave your link 🙂 helps both our sites !!
    Hope to see your comment soon 🙂


        1. There are so many kinds of birds and variations on each one. I have an app on my phone named Birdnet. You can record a bird’s song and it will tell you what bird it is or what bird the recording is of, and show a picture of the bird. It’s really fun to learn their calls. I have hawks in the valley below my condo and recorded one call, it was a red tailed hawk. There are so many different one but if you start learning one at a time, you can learn who makes what call. Have fun.

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